Creating a Merchant Project

  1. To begin, after logging in, navigate to the "Business" section

  2. Initiate a new project creation by selecting "New project"

  3. Enter "Project name"
    Choose a unique name for your project. It can be your business name, shop name, or the name of the vendor who will pay the orders and invoices, or anything else that helps you identify the project, as you can create as many projects as you need.

  4. (Optional) Click on the "Description" toggle to add a project description
    This is an optional field; however, you can enter something that would be informative to your payers or simply a company's slang.

  5. (Optional) Click on auto-convert enabling toggle
    If you would like your received payments to be auto-converted to Euros (recommended) or any other currency, you can switch auto-convert toggle and select your preferred currency. With such a setup, crypto payments received for your orders will be auto-converted to the preferred currency.

  6. (Optional) You can also select the list of accepted currencies
    In this step, you can toggle to select specific crypto assets you wish to accept or choose to accept all available crypto assets. If you plan to auto-convert all received cryptocurrencies to a settlement currency, we recommend allowing your payers the freedom to pay in all supported currencies.

  7. Finalize the project setup by clicking "Submit."